After the challenging refurbishment finished in February 2015, the building formerly used for manufacturing decorative sculptures was changed into a design-and-production centre of one of ARIETE automotive clients.
The premises, re-built actually on client’s demand, has provided capacity for 80 workers and room for cutting-edge production technologies in the floor area of over 5,000 square metres.
“Only the perimeter wall and the roof were kept of the former building,” said David Kubát, ARIETE Group, who was in charge of the project one year ago. “We had to change literally everything. The new heating system, the floors, the ventilation and distribution of air compressed to 900 cubic metres per hour, the power grid is secured with new distribution components and the power input of the facility has been increased to 1.6 MW, the lighting in the area is completely new, as well as the drainage system, all the gates, data networks, the loading bays in the production facilities, all the crane rails including the cranes, and the sanitary facilities for the workers. In short, this was a thorough renovation.”
The renovation of the production part finished the first stage of the planned changes. Now the way the remaining part will be used is being engineered.